Location: North Wales, PA, United States

I am a mother of a beautiful son and daughter, a full time worker for a mortgage company and a musician on the side playing piano and organ for local churches/schools/professional groups. I also have a wonderful husband who is a stay at home dad (a.k.a. SAHD)!

Thursday, July 13, 2006


So, today it’s been officially 19 months since I gave birth. Happy 19 month to my baby....ok, I know he's a toddler, but he'll always be my baby even when he's 50! I feel like my body has aged so much since giving birth. I only gained 25 lbs during pregnancy, but I still have yet to lose the last 9 lbs of pregnancy. Before I go on, let me put the disclaimer out there that I’m not trying to be vain or be the skinniest person in the world. My only goal is to just lose my flabby stomach since that’s where all my weight went to and fit back into ALL my clothes. Some of my button down shirts, dresses, pants and skirts are still tight on me and I refuse to buy a whole new wardrobe. I also want to have more energy since I work full time, cook & clean everyday, watch Nathan, etc. It’s really pathetic that it’s taking this long for me, but it’s mostly my fault for not making the effort. In my delusions of grandeur, I really hoped it would go away on its own since before pregnancy I was able to eat everything, not exercise and not gain any weight. So the past 2 months, I’ve been making an effort to try to run or do Tae Bo every other day/3 times a week. I started out only running 10 minutes at a time since I was so badly out of shape and I didn’t want to injure myself. It’s really sad when I ran up a flight of stairs at work and I was out of breathe! And wow, the Basic Tae Bo is really really hard! I tried to do the Cardio Tae Bo and I quit after 20 minutes because I couldn’t keep up with the steps. I’ve now worked up to running more than 15 minutes and cut back on my rice/pasta intake (some of you know that’s painful for me as I LOVE rice!). I really need patience and discipline as exercise really is a lifestyle you need to adapt. Unfortunately, results do not happen overnight.

On a bit more of an embarrassing note, I’ve also had to make an effort to do more Kegals. Everytime I run, jump up and down or sneeze, a little bit of pee comes out. It’s so embarrassing! I’m tired of wearing a pad everytime I go running, so I’m proud to say that last night was the first time I didn’t have to wear one! It’s the small accomplishments that make me happy and motivate me to keep going..…the things we have to go through to recover from delivery. Sigh.


Blogger RBK said...

that's great that you're putting in the effort. it's really hard, i know! i lost the weight pretty quickly, but now that i've stopped nursing- it's hard because i'm used to eating so much. i've been gaining weight ever since!

7/13/2006 12:35 PM  
Blogger jsk said...

You look great the way you are IMHO but good luck with the exercise. I've tried Tae Bo and other exercise tapes too but I usually give up after 5 or 10 minutes. I just don't have the patience to learn all the movements (or the coordination). I wonder if this happened to other people, but I remember when I came home from the hospital, I excitedly hopped onto the scale to see how much weight I lost. To my disappointment and disbelief, it was only 10 lbs. That was about how much the baby weighed! Most of it was water weight I learned later on but gosh, how depressing it was at that moment! I still have about 10-15 lbs. I'd like to lose but I'll wait to really try when I'm done nursing. 'Til then I'm having fun eating everything!

7/13/2006 8:24 PM  
Blogger Beannie's Log said...

Yup, JSK, I did the same thing when I came home. I knew about only 10-15 lbs was going to come off, but one only hoped! You still have an excuse to eat since you're feeding little, I have none except that I was lazy! I stopped breastfeeding after 4 months. :)

7/13/2006 11:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know how hard it is! Hang in there! Little steps are the biggest! Soo:)

7/16/2006 12:58 AM  

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