Location: North Wales, PA, United States

I am a mother of a beautiful son and daughter, a full time worker for a mortgage company and a musician on the side playing piano and organ for local churches/schools/professional groups. I also have a wonderful husband who is a stay at home dad (a.k.a. SAHD)!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

TV Junkie

So, Comcast Cable decided to change our entire channel lineup this week with only 1 day’s notice. I was so upset because now I have to memorize all the channels all over again and not know which channel is what off the top of my head. Then I started thinking about how much TV I’ve been watching…..I’m such a TV addict and junkie. If it were up to me, I could just sit there and watch TV all night (Nick At Nite & TBS is one of my favorites). I realized if somebody asked me to give up my TV, I would absolutely die! I even have to have it on as background noise when I’m doing other things around the house. Maybe I feel that way about TV because it was restricted from me when I was a kid (my parents used to physically lock up our TV to limit our watching). Or maybe I have to watch certain new shows so that I know what's going on in the entertainment world and pop culture. I guess I'll feel like I'm left out if I don't know what people are talking about, especially at work. This is part of my insecurities growing up as I was never in the "popular" or "in" group and always felt left out of everything. In the end, does it really matter who won on American Idol, who won on the Apprentice or what happened on Lost or Grey's Anatomy?

I realized how little time I spend on reading God’s Word…some days I go without even reading it (so bad), yet I spend 10 times more of my time on watching TV then meditating. I need to pray about this because I don’t want Nathan to become a TV junkie as kids learn from example. I guess the lesson here is not to give up TV completely, but that TV in moderation is ok as I still am going to watch my favorite shows. But when it gets to the point where I'm neglecting other duties as a mother or wife, then I need to take a step back. Guess it's good that it's the summer months now so there's not much on TV to watch except reruns!


Blogger RBK said...

heh heh. yesterday, i was watching a dvd and i didn't think G was even paying attention because she was busy w/ her toys. then a kissing scene came on and i glanced over at her... she was watching, so i said "bbo bbo" and she blew me a kiss. crazy what babies actually understand!

6/08/2006 12:38 PM  

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