Location: North Wales, PA, United States

I am a mother of a beautiful son and daughter, a full time worker for a mortgage company and a musician on the side playing piano and organ for local churches/schools/professional groups. I also have a wonderful husband who is a stay at home dad (a.k.a. SAHD)!

Friday, November 30, 2007


Thanks to all of you for your encouraging words from my last post. It's good to know there are others out there who struggle with this issue. I guess I never understood before since the last time it only took us 1 month to get pregnant with Nathan. Maybe God is trying to humble me. In any case, I think God is trying to teach me something because there's a new couple at church who just joined 3 months ago and announced this week they're 12 weeks pregnant with their second (they too have a son who's only a week younger than Nathan). It was really hard for me to not be jealous and envious of them and to see everybody happy for them. What made it difficult was some people turned to me and asked when it was our turn. It took a lot of strength for me to not get angry and feel like I need to "step up" our game and hurry up to get pregnant to make these people happy. I realized I can't try and get pregnant to make these people happy as that moment will only be a fleeting moment. I'm still praying and accepting God's timing in all this. So, thanks to everyone for your continued support and prayers.

So, here's some pics of my boy posing for the camera @ Plymouth Meeting Mall. I don't know how Dan got him to pose like this. Doesn't his smile look forced?!! You can tell he's saying the word "Cheese!" I can't believe he's going to be 3 in 2 weeks.


Blogger yellowinter said...

he looks absolutely adorable. wow, 3... i still remember getting pictures from you of your trip to vegas before he came.
as for the pregnancy issue, i guess i've waited a while for ours so i can relate on some level. it's hard not to be stressed about it, grabbing that expensive pee stick at every chance... those were hard days, and long. looking back though, i'm ever so thankful for that time of waiting. as you mentioned, it really reminded me of who God really is. we assume and manage to forge our lives on our own terms, and this is one thing that we can't do anything about. it's very humbling, but know and remind yourself again and again that He loves you and He is FOR you, even in this struggle.
as for other people, i would just tell them either that you'd rather not talk about that issue right now, or just say simply that you're trying and been trying. most of the time, if i said that and went to abruptly change the subject (plus my scary, mean streak) people knew to let up. that's too bad that they're constantly at you about it. they probably have no idea that they're hurting you in the process. for them, it's probably just an idle small talk. ugh~
you are in my thoughts. He will get you through this.

12/01/2007 8:34 AM  
Blogger Soo said...

I can't believe he is going to be 3! Time sure flies by. I'm still is shock that Caleb is 2! God is always in control no matter how much we try to be. God loves you! You will be in my prayers:)

12/01/2007 9:53 AM  
Blogger Allie said...

Wow, He's a boy. Not a baby anymore. He so cute!! Such the great model.

YOu are in my prayers. :)

12/03/2007 9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no idea what you're going through, so I'll just say I'll pray for you.

Your boy looks so big. Are you sure he's only 3?

12/04/2007 8:17 PM  

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