Location: North Wales, PA, United States

I am a mother of a beautiful son and daughter, a full time worker for a mortgage company and a musician on the side playing piano and organ for local churches/schools/professional groups. I also have a wonderful husband who is a stay at home dad (a.k.a. SAHD)!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Sharing With Baby

These days Nathan has been very giving and seems excited to see his little sister, Kaitlyn. Every night he kisses my big stomach and asks Kaitlyn when she’s coming. Then he picks up some of his toys and stuffed animals, puts it in front of my stomach and says, “This is for you Kaitlyn. I’m going to share.” And if the baby jabs me really hard, he says to me, “Is the baby kicking you Mommy?” I’m hoping his thoughtfulness towards the baby continues once the baby is born. I think it’s a good sign that he’s showing his love towards the baby already, but it could all change when the baby comes. But I’ll be an optimist and hope for the best. I’m a little sad that it’ll only be the 3 of us for a few more weeks, so I’m trying to enjoy the time we have together. Nathan is just so much fun these days and I love it that he can communicate to us. I’m a little nervous to be starting all over again with all the crying, diaper changes, feeding, lack of sleep, pumping, etc. I’m just really thankful that Dan will be home with me during my maternity leave from work. I don’t know how you mothers out there do it all by yourself, especially with multiple children. Sometimes I feel like a bad mother because I can’t do it alone and need help.

Nathan’s matured so much the past few months as the tantrums are pretty much non-existent. If we tell him no to certain things, he’ll comply most of the time and not get upset like he used to (although the talking back and attitude is now starting). 2 weeks ago he went to VBS and so much changed since he went last year. He was really excited to go and barely cried when Dan dropped him off. All the teachers loved him. Although Dan felt a little sorry for him because there were no other 3 year old boys in his class, but he still did very well and played well with the girls. No surprise there as he prefers playing with girls!

Potty training update: Nathan is now fully potty trained during the day and goes everywhere in his underwear! There are a few times where his diaper was dry during his nap or nighttime sleep, but we’re still being patient with the nighttime training. Honestly, I don’t want to have to deal with his bed wetting with a newborn coming!

So, how do you like the name Kaitlyn? I thought we were being unique as we don’t know any other Korean Kaitlyn, but we just met a Korean family who’s daughter is named Kaitlyn. I was a little upset and even thought about changing the name, but then I remembered that Dan picked out this name before Nathan was even born. Does the name sound too snobbish?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Kaitlyn is a beautiful graceful name! And the nickname is awesome.. Kate.. Katie. Many successful people named Kate!

I love reading about how Nathan is growing up... :) Sending you cool summer breezes from California.. :)

7/09/2008 3:36 PM  
Blogger jsk said...

Friends of ours, who are Korean, have a Kaitlyn too. I think spelled the same way. It's become a popular name. As long as you like the name, that's all that matters.

Oh, we ended up going to Skippack for fireworks anyway. It was just drizzling a little bit. We parked at the school. I've never been that close up to fireworks - soo cool!! B. was scared though so we had to leave early.

7/09/2008 8:26 PM  
Blogger RBK said...

i don't think kaitlyn is snobbish at all! i agree with jsk in that as long as you like it, that's all that matters!

that's great that nathan is so caring about the baby even now. he'll be such a great big brother!

7/10/2008 2:13 PM  
Blogger jl said...

It's a beautiful name! N is going to be a great big brother! Somehow, having 2nd one is easier. It will be all okay. Let me know when you have the baby!

7/10/2008 11:10 PM  
Blogger Allie said...

I love Kaitlyn. Bill's niece is named kaitlyn (she's white. She spells it that way too. I don't see kaitlyn spelled this way too often. I think it's beautiful. As long as you like it. It's beautiful.

Nathan will be a great big brother.

7/11/2008 10:04 PM  
Blogger Soo said...

Kaitlyn is a popular name but as long as you guys like, that is all that matters! It does not sound snobbish at all! Nathan is so cute! I hope Caleb will be the same way. He was going through an angry period when I mentioned the baby. Yesterday at church daycare he was playing with a baby doll and taking care of it. Maybe there is hope for him yet! I feel alittle sad that there will be big changes once the baby is here. I love the times that Caleb and I cuddle together and know that that will change to some degree.

7/14/2008 3:50 PM  

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