Location: North Wales, PA, United States

I am a mother of a beautiful son and daughter, a full time worker for a mortgage company and a musician on the side playing piano and organ for local churches/schools/professional groups. I also have a wonderful husband who is a stay at home dad (a.k.a. SAHD)!

Friday, September 05, 2008


So far recovery is going really well and much better than my 1st delivery with Nathan...guess 30 minutes pushing makes a difference from the 3 1/2 hours! We've even gone out to a friend's house and made a short trip together to the mall already. People thought we were crazy, but since it's not flu season, we needed to get out and not feel trapped in our own home.

Deciding to give her formula right away and pump out whatever breast milk I can get has been a lot less stressful too. I was just not happy with Nathan when I tried to breastfeed and he never latched on correctly. Plus, I need my sleep and since I have to go to work in 12 weeks and she'll need to use bottles anyway, I'm perfectly happy with my decision. I'm also glad the lactation consultants at the hospital didn't make me feel guilty about my decision. So far, 1/3 of her feedings have been breastmilk so I'm satisfied.

I'm just really thankful that Dan has been home and helping me out. He stayed with me all 2 nights at the hospital and getting whatever I needed. He's also been taking Nathan out of the house a few times to give me a break and to also keep Nathan sane since he always wants to go out.

Kaitlyn is doing well and sleeping so much these days. The other night, she slept 8 hours straight from 11pm through 7am! Of course that didn't last long as she woke up once last night, but I really can't complain. She's only been waking up once every night around 2-3am, which is Dan's shift. Then I get her again around 6-7am. Hopefully her great sleeping habit continues throughout the next few months!


Blogger RBK said...

wow! her sleeping habits are impressive! i'm so glad things are going more smoothly for you!

9/06/2008 7:53 PM  

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